I love coffee and have spent a shocking 4 evenings this week in starbucks! Well sunday was a flying visit but it still counts. I had a vanilla latte, x2 caramel lattes, and a gingerbread latte which i was pretty pleased about as its usually only a christmas drink. I drink even more starbucks when im in america so im extremely excited for my holiday to LA in april to get my cinnemon latte fix!

Friday night i met up with greg, his mum and my mum to look at a furniture sale and then have coffee before i departed for Red Hot! Even though the food isn't fantastic, I pigged out...

Saturday me, my sister, brother and mum went for a family catch-up starbucks.

Me and mum
Sunday greg and I enjoyed a starbucks before enjoying my mum's delicioua roast.

And then on Tuesday evening I took my friend from work for a birthday coffee and natter! As always we ended up talking forever and left a little later than we should have done! We went off to Nandos with a group of people from work for our friend Laura's leaving do. All in all I've consumed too many calories from these meals and sugary drinks! But never mind, I'm going to body pump in the morning! :)
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